New administration building of Port of Kotor


 Port of Kotor is a company established in 1988 which is specialized in giving service for ships and nautical tourists from 2006. Today Port of Kotor is one of more frequented and sucesfull ports in this region. Reputation and good image is acquired on an international level for quality of given services and professionalism. This company contributes to the affirmation of Kotor and Montenegro and popularize their cultural, historical and natural values.

For the first time after establishing Port of Kotor and agency Kotor Mar received adequate working conditions. Chosen architectural solution is the result of an international competition, 19.11.2010. followed by making the necessary design and technical documentation.

The building is fully constructed in accordance with the standards in the field of civil engineering. It should be noted that it is of a very high energy cost effectiveness as well as the object that contains the protection of a seismic activity which is especially important for our region. The character gives it the brisoleys on the south side a shape of sail, stone processing on the north side and partly from the east and west side. The shape of the convex roof along with brisoleys is an association of the initials ‘K’ which stands for Kotor and ‘L’ for Luka (Port).  The inside reminds of a ship reconciled with the details and view of the Old Town and the river Škurda.

Administration building of Port of Kotor has three levels and twelve offices, a meeting room and it is of an optimal size for a quality of our business team.  Also, it is equipped with the most advanced technical support services in carrying out business in a more professional and efficient manner.

We wish welcome to all our clients and partners.

Port of Kotor